Sunday, October 17, 2010

Ciao da Roma!

Day one in Italy! We landed at Fiumicino Airport outside of Rome at 8:45 a.m. (Rome time! Flight time from Cleveland was almost 10 ½ hours plus a layover at JFK).  We arrived at Walsh campus, Casa Mennesiana, just outside Castel Gandolfo about 10:30 a.m. where we were warmly greeted by Brother Mario.

We had a few hours to unpack and freshen up (I tried to take a few photos. Although it is in low 60s today, it is a bit cloudy so some are not as clear as I would like), then we had a tasty lunch (great ravioli) at 1:00 p.m. where we met Brother Giovanni. Rome site director extraordinaire Danilo Mori took the new Director of Student Life Laura Downey and me for a quick break to the nearby town of Albano for an espresso and unbelievable pastries at Paticcerie Duomo (Roberto’s). We met our twelve tired but wonderful Walsh students at 2:15 p.m. for orientation. All of us then walked uphill to Castel Gandolfo. Oh!!! It is like being in a movie!! We attended mass at the parish church dedicated to St. Thomas of Villanova (Santa Tommaso da Villanova - designed by Bernini in the seventeenth century). Afterwards Danilo and Laura introduced me to the practice of “aperitivo” with a spritz (the official cocktail of Venice) and appetizers at Baruffa (a café in Castel Gandolfo). By 7:30 p.m. we walked back down the hill to campus where we enjoyed a delicious dinner and fellowship (and considering we have all been up for over 30 hours – it was amazing). It is hard to believe, but our itinerary for tomorrow will be even more incredible. Since I have to teach our first class in only ten hours, I better get some sleep. Buona notte il mio amico.


  1. It is like being in a movie isn't it. That is what I thought of too when I was there. Oh, Brother Mario and Brother Giovanni do not like each other. You will find them fighting sometimes. but Giovanni is very nice.

  2. Dear Kelly,

    So glad to hear that all of you arrived safe and sound. I can only imagine the sites and tastes that you are seeing and experiencing...enjoy, enjoy and enjoy some more!
    How lucky your students are to have you as their instructor this time around.

    It is so nice to be able to travel along with you via the blog. I look forward to your updates!

    Peace and blessings to you,
