Friday, November 5, 2010

Buongiorno from Castel Gandolfo!

Hello Walsh family and friends! It is a beautiful warm and sunny day in Rome - over 70 degrees (did I see snow in the Ohio forecast?) We have had a very busy week since my last post. This weekend I will try to share with you all of our adventures and learning experiences to bring you up to date.

Students getting their assignments fot Walshfest

Today is Walshfest here at Casa Mennesiana. The Student Director and the twelve students are doing service projects to thank the Brothers of Christian Instruction for their hospitality. Lunch is a barbeque!
Alyssa, Megan, Emily, & Trevor cleaning lounge & computer rooms

Nick S. and Sarah painting the fence

Nick B. & Jackie N. cleaning pine needles and collecting pine cones to burn for bbq

Jackie C, Gemma, & Brooke (the Tiffin Girls) sweeping up pine needles

Victoria cleaning the flower beds

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